Fire Burns

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

um, yeah

alex go read my blog for the answer to that. so yeah i fixed it. but i still feel weird about it.




Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Days go by to slow

I do not really feel like writing Im not to sure why i am.. mabye it is beacause once in a two week period i am done with my homework before 9:00. I am weird. oh well. monkey


i hate being compulsive

have you ever been standing on a ledge or the second story of a house or something and just had the compulsion to jump off?

well, it happens to me all the time.


Sunday, August 25, 2002


the best show that ever was.


Saturday, August 24, 2002


so here's the story... granted very boring and stupid but hey i have to write something while i'm procrastinating ... i hate homework...

so we got up at 5:30am on monday. we packed our clothes and stuff in the van, and were off by 6:15. we drove like maniacs (well not really), stopped in grants for a crappy mcdonald's breakfast, and got to flagstaff by 1:30pm. once there, we put our crap in our room at days inn, and went to eat lunch.

here's a highlight: so we were trying to find somewhere to stop and eat, and we found this cool restaurant called Buster's. it rocks. it totally kicked ass. great food. better service than that of santa fe. huge portions. and fantastic french onion soup. i almost died.

so anyway after lunch we went to office max to get him a printer and a laptop case and all that other crap that goes with computers. then we went to flagstaff mall. it was pretty cool, but given that they didn't have a lot of stuff, and i had no money to waste, i didn't buy anything.

dinner was had at red lobster where again i couldn't finish the plate because the portions were so huge. i'm so used to santa fe tourist restaurants that those two meals alone were like a feast. then we went to the room and crashed.

the next morning we got up at 4:30 (it was 5:30 new mexico time according to my dad who didn't reset his watch the whole trip) and got on the road. we stopped in kingman for breakfast at denny's, which was a lot better than mcdonalds in grants. we got to LA at about 1:30 and, after getting lost a couple of times and buying a map of LA, we got to our ghetto comfort inn motel. it was ghetto. apparently they had just been robbed half an hour before we got there.

yeah i know, real nice for people who have a printer and all their son's belongings in the back of their van.

we went to usc and walked around awhile, ate in some little shopping mall near campus, then... well i have no idea what we did after that... weird.

that night we went out to eat with my cousin and uncle to celebrate my uncle's birthday. now that was an experience. we went to this chinese place, the twin dragon or something like that. anyway we had like 8 people in our group and we all got a separate dish to share with the whole table (alex i got vegetable lo mein and thought that you'd love it there). damn there was a lot of food left over. i have no idea what he did with all that food.

you know now that i'm writing this down it does sound a lot more boring than it was when it was happening. granted all i did most of the time was sit in the van and put off doing my homework...

so wednesday rolls around. we get to campus by 7:30 and people were already loading their stuff on the sidewalks. crazy. we had breakfast in the cafeteria and then went to move his stuff. haha he got the top floor (the eighth... he hates heights), and we had to carry all his crap up to him. once we got that done, we went and had lunch in the cafeteria (again) and then i went with my mom and dad to this thing annenberg was having... like a welcome for the parents or something. it was pretty cool... i mean i got to sit back and check out all the hot college guys...

then we were off. we were trying to find a target and a home depot to get stuff for his room. this chick gave us directions to "the nearest target" and half an hour and one city later we found it. so we bought some stuff there, and went to the home depot near LAX to get his other stuff. by the time we got back to usc it was 8:30pm and ... well ... my parents were pissed. but that's another story. finally around 9:30 (maybe it was 10) we leave campus and go eat at carl's jr.

the next morning we got up at 6, got to usc by seven, ate in the cafeteria with my cousin and uncle, and were back on the road by 9. this time we left a different way than when we came in... there was major road construction going on... and i have to say the view was great. we went by lake havasu city (where it was 105º) and checked out the lake. damn it kicks abiquiu and elephant butte's ass any given day. so yeah we got to flagstaff like at 7 or something and went to eat at buster's again. then we went to hastings and walked around so i could check out all the hot arizona guys (hey what else did i have to keep me busy??). yesterday we left at like 8:30. on the way back to burque we stopped at acoma, cause we had never seen it. it was beautiful.

anyway we got back home (thank god... i love new mexico) and went to eat at los arcos. sadly it's the same food as la cocina, just in a bigger restaurant. we got home, i unpacked, then i got on the net. and so here i am the next day filling you in on my non-vacation.

damn it now i have to do my homework...


Friday, August 23, 2002

mmm flagstaff...

hey children i'm back. i don't want to write all about everything right now but i will say that there were a lot of hot guys in flagstaff. obviously that was the highlight of my trip.

so yeah now i have a car and a cell phone which by the way i need to change the voicemail message on. mmm home i love new mexico... that's sad but yeah it's true i'm a puro nuevo mexicana.



Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Deutsch ist meine Welt

Ich habe gefunden, daß ich denke, daß ich meinen blog ändern werde, der an Deutsch schreibt.. Es ist kein sehr hübsches. Ach werde gut ich leben. Gut mabye nicht. Rambling macht auf deutsch Spaß. Stimmen Sie gut ich soll gehen. kristin Sie können lesen dies zu?


Good news

So yeah Kristin.. you will never guess what I found out!! Do you remember on the first day of school we kept hearing weird receptions? that were not us? Well today during the fire drill I heard miss doyle yell.." Mrs. Chitwood do you have your walkie talkie?" they have walkie talkies to and were obviously getting their frequency... OH HAPPY DAY!!!


Tuesday, August 20, 2002




Sunday, August 18, 2002

road trip

so bye children this will be the last post for a few days... unless i can find a computer over at usc. i might go snooping around but chances are i'll just be chillin or doing homework.

so bye then.


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Saturday, August 17, 2002

Oliver Neuville

I love him so I want to write more about him. he's beautiful!!! He's so little.. Iove him. I really do.

I love Matthew Perry to but thats another day...and A WHOLE LOT OF PICTURES!!!!! hehehe I want to marry him to!!!


i heart krishna

shhh don't tell all those catholic adults who witnessed me when i got confirmed...


i would die for you

mmm i love this song. i know i should really be packing or something like that right now but i really don't feel like it. i just want to sit here wearing my new headband and my cool skirt.

mmm it's like listening to brandin sing.



Friday, August 16, 2002

hi all

honestly, i'm posting tonight 'cause i feel obligated to. i would tell you everything, but i already wrote too much on my personal blog and i really don't feel like going back over it again.

but in short i will say this: fuck it.



Thursday, August 15, 2002

a morning in hell with the nazi

book day sucked.

didn't it?

worst book day. ever. and guess what...

i got a fucking bottom fucking locker. and i couldn't even go and hang out with alex after we got through at school. and i can't hang with her tomorrow either, save an hour or so.

aaaahhh i have to stop this post 'cause all that's coming into my head are cuss words.

[EDIT] ok so apparently i can't complain about having a bottom locker anymore. so from now on i won't [/EDIT]


makes me want to cry

so i was just over at wwdn and guess what... they cut wil from the movie. how sad is that? that was one of the main reasons i wanted to see nemesis. damn but you know i'll still go see it when it comes out in december. i just won't fully enjoy it.

blah thank god for dvd's. all i have to do is get my dad to buy a dvd player.

i have about 45 minutes before i have to leave to school. if i don't get a top locker i will be very unhappy. you know i hope i'm not jinxing myself by saying that so much.

ah screw it.


Tuesday, August 13, 2002

things you can get for $75

sooo we finally went back to santa fe guitarworks today. the guy looked, but the $115 fender that we wanted wasn't there anymore. they think they sold it yesterday.


but he was like, "we have this yamaha, and it's in pretty good shape... for $75."

seventyfive dollars?! holy fuck batman.

"we'll take it. do you have a case that it'll fit with?"

"well, actually, it says here that it comes with a case."

now wait a second... a good guitar and it's case for 75 freaking dollars?!


so now i don't have to look for a guitar.

or a case.


I have allegra

I know Kristin I have been sneezing like every other minute. My grandpa broke his arm, in four places... its so cool he has pins in his arm and they are sticking out!! its gross but really cool
I offered to voluteer at the hospital. Its really cool. Im very excited.


must have allegra...

blah i feel sick. i think it's either just allergies or i have something. my mind wanders toward strep throat. blah i feel like shit.

so yeah yesterday i started my 7am week. last week i got up at 8am. this week is 7. and then next week i'm gonna be all thrown off so when i have to start getting up at 6 the week after i'm gonna die.


going into santa today. my aunt is taking care of my gram so me and my mom can leave.

oh i didn't mention... you know how i hate to drive... so on sunday i had to go to mass at 7pm and my brother wasn't back from burque to go with me so i went alone. i know. shock of all shocks. i drove by myself. aren't you proud of me?

just think in 2 days i'm gonna be driving myself on a regular basis.



Monday, August 12, 2002


So yeah Bens party fun!!! actualy it was a little long but you know it was still fun... everyone was there... speechies and all.. IT ROCKED!!! Kristin already mentioned Slap Yoko Ono.. so I dont have to repeat her. Im tired its late Im going to go...bye


Sunday, August 11, 2002

so yeah

sorry children but i haven't had much to post here. yeah the party was cool. i'm sad no more ben :-(

oh well.

oh yeah i want a picture of Slap Yoko Ono to put up on the site. if anybody has one, send it to me, ok?




Friday, August 09, 2002

you wanna buy a tv man?

so here i am... feeling a bit worried on account of alex's last post. i will call her, but not right now. right now i'm posting and after that i have to look for a new skin at blogskins and after that i have to put another coat of black nailpolish on my left hand. but alex if you're reading this i will call you. chill. go get some pudding.

mmm... pudding.

less than a week before school starts... the heat is on... i have a dry erase board for my locker and i'm set to go. well, sort of.

so yeah my brother is trying to persuade me into letting him post on this blog. my response was a general hell no, but i did suggest that he gets his own blog. that goes for everyone reading this. get a blog. then tell me about it so i can link to it. yeah.

my dad and i went into spaña this afternoon to pay some bills. we stopped at stop and eat to get some burgers. little note: hey if you ever find yourself in española, and you're hungry, and it isn't sunday, you should definitely come to stop and eat. it's the greatest. anywho we were just chillin there and we overheard these gang bangers (we assumed they were in a gang...) talking about how much money they got, and then they took this tv into stop and eat (through the back door). we figure it's stolen, but then again who knows... it is española.


He Canceled

So Im a mess right now Owen canceled, this is the 3rd time this this normal? Im freaking out. His cousins are coming into town (unexpectedly) and he is going to have dinner with them...does that sound ok? it sounds reasonable right..right. Its reasonable. Its true. Im being my jaded self..Im being my jaded self. Its OK. right? Kristin call me!!!!


A hooker is still a hooker...

So yesterday I was taking a wonderful nap on my couch with Milo when the phone rings.. I pick it up and its Katie and she wants to know if I can come over. So I get my mom to drive me over there (with the drugs Im not allowed to drive) So Im there Paula draws a cool tattoo on my back and then we went to the mall...

Ahh the mall a place that life really hasnt excisted since it began.. only mindless idiots who wander around seeking some form of socialization... So we were at the mall... and I saw Jessica Clark ( fellow hummingbird counslor) I miss her I really do...I talked to her. Its weird how hummingbird makes you socialize we were like 5 years old. I love it... So then we walked around aimlessly. Then we went to Panda Express. I managed to spit on rice until it started to disolve in my mouth (yum!) Then I came home.

I really dont want to go to Bens party.. Ive found that really all I want to do is hang around Owen...which isnt good.. being that Im so jaded every time he cancels on me I become convienced that he hates me, cant stand me, doesnt ever want to see me again, and is coming up with a lame way to get rid of me!! Its not good, I really need to not adore people so much...

I think that is my problem I adore to easily. Im never going to survive in life. Im sure Owen doesnt nearly put as much planning into his actions as I think he does.... not everything has an alterial motive... Mabye I think this cause most of what I do has an alterial motive ( god I wish I could spell).. everything I do is an elaborate scheme of some type...ahh im going to stop.. I shouldn't write a novel on Kristin's blog.


Thursday, August 08, 2002

phoenix (mmm... fire)

so i just deleted Fire at Night. we didn't need it. it was taking up good blogging space. and besides, i can always make another one.



some people know how to write, and some people know how to write.

i obviously don't know how to write.

so for the only reason that i don't want to be a sissy bitch, i won't put up a link here on what i just spent the past hour and a half reading. and because it took me an hour and a half to read it, i've decided to kill all my links to this page. i already talked to alex about it, and she said it's ok. so i'll do that. not now though... i've been on the net for 2+hours, and i have to get off.

you know i'd really like to post cool personal stuff here, but that means that i'd have to put it down in print. and that, my friends, is a rule that i am not ready to violate.


Corruption.. thats me.

I went to the movies last night, with Owen. We saw K19 the widow maker, the one with Liam Neson and Harrison Ford. It wasnt to good... it was it was just long. But you know i still had a wonderful time... I think Owen can make anything fun.

Im really excited about Bens party but at the same time.. I dont want to see people.. Im afraid my need for corruption and disorder will over take the sensible side of me and I will end up doing something i regret. (i really am mentally ok Im not a schezo.. or anything...)

I worry alot lately. Im not sure why its not like I really have anything to worry about..ok so there was Nick but that wasnt really a problem.. In fact it went quit well.( I think) I called him yesterday, and we talked...well he talked I listened. His acting school ( Perie Mansfield) sounds really interesting. The kid does have alot of talent. This hasn't bothered me in the past, I normally dont care, and yet I suddenly want to go up and hit him.. not that I would. I dont even really have a reason to hit Nick. It just seems like it would solve something.


Wednesday, August 07, 2002

a day in the city

so yeah here i am after a day in santa. i finally got a new dry-erase board because the other one i got was purple and i don't like purple. yeah. that and i got some AA batteries. mmm all in all today was pretty good.

it seems my brother has been prowling around the site and has made his presence known. i know you're gonna read this again... so for the last time DON'T SPAM MY GUESTBOOK! word.

he has a ghetto test out too. since i don't like to be bothered constantly i'm gonna put it up here: What's Eating Gilbert Grape. i don't know he named it himself.

mmm i don't know what else to say i have to email alex


Creepy Little Animal!

So im looking at my summer as a whole... I cant believe it I mean, I have become such a corrupt human being that Im amazed. Before the summer started I was a good girlfriend and a good friend.. then I went to Europe and Washington DC and Hummingbird and Ive found I cant even breath.. i dont want to hang around anyone I want to cause corruption and disbelief...I dont trust a single soul and yet I still expect everyone to trust me. why? im not sure.. I just dont want to stay where I am.Like I said: I have become a horrible person.

I just want to move here and get away from the world


Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Tripping Billies

So now Im high again.. ahhh Codiene.. Its a miracle. But I am really distrested I was so convinced today was wednesday.. and its not. Its tuesday, man the drugs are really getting to me. Im going to go bye



my cousin and uncle showed me this site. it kicks. literally. also on the subject of stick figures, there's this site, too.

mmm i love it i think i'm gonna make a button for it on the site.

soooo... yeah. i think i have to get off the net. i've been on for like 5 hours today. yeah so later...


damn commie bastards... ok well maybe not...

so yeah i finished the book. it was ok. better than the grapes of wrath. yeah now all i have to do is remember it. oh well i don't want to.

so i got on and AIM was being stupid and right now alex is on but i can't talk to her. that makes me sad. oh well. i keep trying to sign on but it won't let me. i think i'll have to restart the computer. i hate it.

look it's the ghetto logo from vh1.

ok bye now


Monday, August 05, 2002


So this is my happy days thing. YAY!!! happy days. The fonze!


have you seen my baseball

so yeah have you? yeah i'm just on again like i always am. talking. waiting for something.

so my cousin doesn't want to type on this so i'm gonna go.


I am in pain

So I did it. I broke up with Nick. It wasnt that bad. It was hard though cause when you dont see someone for six weeks.. he was so cute. But I have Owen. Im happy Nicks a bastard. At least he doesnt hate me. Im so relieved over that.



hey there. i'm more sane this morning so here i am on the internet yet again. my daily routine. i need to find a little flickerstick button to put on the main. the one i put on the site is too big and i don't think i can scale it down. oh well i'm sure i'll figure out a way sometime.

i'm almost done reading black boy. i'm like on ch 18 or something. yeah. so i'm here chillin, counting down the days til the creature on the other side of the wall leaves. ah i'll be so happy i'll want to throw a party. but i hate that i have to miss the first week of school for it. that sucks. i know i'm crazy but i'm ready to be social again. oh well.

i'm listening to smashing pumpkins. ah it sounds so nice. i missed that. i've been listening to my new rhcp cd and of course flickerstick but i missed smashing pumpkins.

i went on google looking for a picture of Snatch last night but found only foreign pages that i of course couldn't read so i abandoned that idea. so then i just went to bed. yeah.

mmm i really want to paint my room black. but then again i want to paint everything black. me and my weirdness. oh well.

"bodies" by the smashing pumpkins

cast the pearls aside, of a simple life of need
come into my life forever
the crumbled cities stand as known
of the sights you have been shown
of the hurt you call your own
love is suicide

the empty bodies stand at rest
casualties of their own flesh
afflicted by their dispossession
but no bodies ever knew
no bodies felt like you
love is suicide

now we drive the night, to the ironies of peace
you can't help deny forever
the tragedies reside in you
the secret sights hide in you
the lonely nights divide you in two
all my blisters now revealed
in the darkness of my dreams
in the spaces in between us
but no bodies ever knew
no bodies felt like you
love is suicide


Sunday, August 04, 2002

it's godzilla!

so yeah right now i'm drained. both physically and emotionally (i know the "emotionally" part sounds weird but i've felt this way before... i know stuff) yeah my brain is mush yet again. i left the house this afternoon feeling like crap, and i feel even worse now. not that i in any way feel worse than alex probably does. poor thing i hope her pain killers are working...

so yeah it's almost 8:30 now. i would go surfing and put something cool here, some cool picture or ... something but i can't.

two weeks and i really need to think about stuff.



Saturday, August 03, 2002

Pain fills me like shit fills an out house

I hurt. I hate wisdom teeth and I hate dentist and I hate pain killers that dont work!! THEY SHOULD WORK!!! I hate this.

But do you know what is nice? Laughing gas, and EKG machines they are really cool

So my story: I get to the dentist and 8:45 and they call me back to this chiar that looks like some kinky torture devise its got all these straps and buckles and shit. Then they hook me up to the EKG machine and take my blood pressure every five minuets. The nurse kept getting really mad cause I would stop breathing or breath really fast to change my heart rate it was cool. Then I got Laughing gas, and an IV put into my arm and thats all I remember. When i woke up I felt really dizzy and Nausious. i woke up at 9:00 but had to lie in the recovery room until 12:30 due to every time i sat up I got nausious and real pale. Finally my color came back and I got apple juice and I came home!!!

Now Im in Pain. Ice helps ( thanks kristin and Anita) But other than that, Im just glad I havent had a bad reaction to the Codeine. ok well I have to go pass out now.


The Chamber

so yeah i was watching another weird yet addicting movie last night... The Chamber based on one of John Grisham's books.

i liked it. but then again i like The Breakfast Club too.

ok so i didn't have much to say so i got on and found posters, ok? mmm i was gonna put some more startrek:nemesis posters on but i thought i'd save you from any more of that.

but i can't promise what tomorrow will bring...


Friday, August 02, 2002

a gigantic and intricate web of lies and half-truths never hurt anyone

I have nothing really to say tomorrow i die.. I get my wisdom teeth out. its bad. My sister bought a new car its a chevy pic up.Its pretty cool.

I got shoes! I broke and got a pair of low rise black converse, and I got a pair of purple adiadas, and a pair of black japanese shoes. Im very happy. I like them.

I saw the movie fight club

So i should go tomorrow I will be a bloated bunny wish me luck!!



now that i've come out of my initial shock, let me explain what the hell happened to this blog yesterday.

so on the 31st i was in here posting. alex was also on posting. i talked to her on AIM and we both decided that since more than one person was now using this blog, we should have one of those "about" things on the sidebar. so i posted, then alex posted (by the way alex you're gettin very good with this blog even though you've been on a short time... you rock), and i went into the template to make the "about" on the sidebar.

apparently it was a bad idea.

i put the about up, but i didn't like how the divider (looks like this ---------- ) looked, so i went back in to change it. i did, but that's when all hell broke loose. i posted a "test" and saw that i again didn't like the divider, so i went back in and changed it, but on the main page it looked exactly the same. so then i tried to post. it didn't work. so then i saved the tempate again, checked the settings, and re-published the archives, thinking maybe that would work. it didn't.

so i retired to bed hoping that blogger was just being stupid for that night and that on the next day the blog would be fixed.

it wasn't.

i went back and did everything i did the day before. i posted under alex's name. i changed the template. alas, nothing worked. so i just resolved that this blog was dead. dead, dying, whatever... it didn't work.

so i resurrected Fire at Night.

Fire at Night was my original blog that i started way back in february. needless to say i was html-stupid at the time, so when i couldn't get it to work at geocities (which i now know can never work unless i want to pay for FTP service) i just gave up and created this blog and put it on blog*spot. and it worked pretty damn well... until wednesday.

so i went back and put Fire at Night on blog*spot, fixed the template so it had similar links and stuff like that, put comments on, and put a counter on (which by the way is temporarily dead because darkcounter is sick i think). i signed alex up on that blog and informed her that Fire Burns was dead, but not to worry because we had a old-new blog to post on.

that was yesterday. i got Fire at Night up and running, and i was content to post on that blog forevermore.

oh i should mention during this whole ordeal i was posting in the comments on the first "test" post. thank god that still worked. /update

well actually i wasn't content at all, i was just sort of reserved to the idea. that's why i came in this morning with a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe this blog wouldn't be dead anymore. and i was right.

so that's the story...

but i think i'm gonna keep Fire at Night. i don't exactly know what i'm gonna do with it, but i'm sure i'll get inspired.





oh my god you don't know how happy i am about this. i'll tell you all about it but right now i'm so happy i have to go check EVERYTHING out and make sure that this blog fully recovered.

and here i thought i was just a dumbass.


Thursday, August 01, 2002


hey this isn't alex... it's me kristin but blogger is being stupid and i can't fix it so i'm trying to re-publish on alex's account to see if it'll work

but i doubt it


i'm sad

blogger isn't posting my posts. this probably won't even get posted. it pisses me off. i changed the template yesterday and then blogger died and now the template is messed up on the page and it won't let me post. i post it here where i write it but nothing shows up on the page.

this really sucks.

my kitty's nose is hurt. she sneezes and stuff and her nose is all swollen and that makes me sad. man today is gonna be one of those stay in bed days.

i don't know what i'm gonna do. maybe i'll email alex and see if she can post.

wish me luck
